RapidShare Manager 2.1952

RapidShare Manager 2.1952

Free It allows you to resume interrupted uploads and downloads
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Latest version:
2.1952 See all
RapidShare AG
1 / 5
Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

Rapidshare.com has many followers, and many people have been uploading tons of information in those servers with unlimited bandwidth to share with many other people. If you don’t know what Rapidshare is, I recommend you to give it a look to their website: www.rapidshare.com. As Rapidshare claims that the speed is unlimited, it has helped to gain more and more users. So now there are lots of users uploading and downloading information from their servers. Many of these users share the information with download managers or simply with the download window from their browser. The thing here is that programs like rapget, alexliam, are unofficial to download specially from Rapidshare, and they are only able to upload a couple of files or to check links’ availability. Now Rapidshare’s developers have integrated the right features in Rapidshare Manager in order to work correctly with Rapidshare’s Servers. Rapidshare Manager is well designed and I’m sure that more than one is going to find it very useful. Here are some of its characteristics: Full text links, the user can copy one or more file links and the program checks them if they are available and, if so, downloads them, this feature can also work by introducing the page’s code complete. It allows the user to add some notes in a group file, it is perfect for adding passwords to compressed files. It is able to resume, limit to a specific KB/s limit or parallel downloads, proxy configurations and some other common settings. The biggest limitation it has, is that it only allows to upload files to those users who don’t not have a user and password from Rapidshare (well this is obvious isn’t it? Since Rapidshare’s business is to sell fast file downloads). Other thing is that is only available for windows, I could have made it to work under windows vista, for windows xp I’ve tried in a couple of computers and I’m still having problems.

RR Senior editor
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Helps a lot when downloading many files from rapidshare, it's small with low resource consumption


  • Works only under windows Vista

Comments (6)

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When I am calling through Google Talk, unable to talk clearly. voices and words are found missing.
I am not happy to receive a bad type of communication with my friends.
My friends also not happy when we chat with google talk.
What I have to do.
Waiting for your reply.
Thank you. Prakash

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This program works under XP as well.

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this program does npt work in my pc so i uninstalled it

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